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300 Anniversary Bag: 100k-200k gold
These Bags were Issued as Gifts to all players for UO's 300th Anniversary, they are Dye able and say 300th Anniversary when clicked on. Other than that they function as normal bags.

Alchemy Bottle (red) : 750k gold
This is an item that is presently in circulation on most shards, the general opinion is that it does not spawn, is Unique, and was Probably Obtained using a Bug. (BANNABLE OFFENSE).

Arrows (Large Stack):1 million to 1.5 million gold
As far as it is known, there will only be one of these per shard, as its created at the Birth of the Server You can see another stack just like this one But Permanently Locked down, In the Guards room just behind the Serpents Hold magic shop. For the moment there is no known way to procure them, however that as All things in UO is Subject to Change.

Arrows (Small Stack): 750k-1 million gold
This is a server birth item as well as the Large stack.

Bacon slab: 500-2500 gold
These are found in Barrels, Locked crates, and Locked Golden Boxes at provisioners shops and Butchers.

Banana bunch: 500-2500 gold
These are found in Barrels, Locked crates, and Locked Golden Boxes at provisioners shops and Butchers.

Basket:25k-50k gold
These are Fruit Baskets with the Fruit eaten out of them. (There is Currently no other way to make Baskets) They spawn in a few places at server up. The first is a farmhouse in west yew. (See fruit basket for more detailed info on the Yew spawn).

There are two inside the Building in the center of the hedge Maze, be there at server up (Along with 50,000 other early birds), eat the fruit out of the basket (Only way to release them at this location) and grab it.

Tailor shop in Nujelm, bring some nightshade regs, and stack two of them under the basket, move a step back, eat the fruit, then Grab the basket :)

Reportedly there is a Building in Magencia (near the Mage shop) that also spawns fruit baskets, same method of release as the one in Nujelm, only it takes a larger stack of nightshade).

Barrel Closed (Lid): 100k-150k gold
Spawns when the server first comes up in a room north of the Bone Magi room in Deceit.

Barrel Water-Open: 100-500 gold
These are available all over the place, npc houses, docks, provisioner's shops (Don't be a lamer and take them from provisioners unless you are totally desperate, try some docks first. Rares spawn inside the Barrels at provisioners shops, and other people may be waiting around hidden for the next spawn of the rares.)

To "Release" the Barrels, have a water Pitcher with water in it. (you can buy water pitchers from npc waiters/waitresses at most of the taverns and restaurants). Double click your water pitcher, then the Barrel (If there is anything in the Barrel, steal it out or move on to the next barrel) . After you do this, the Barrel is now a "Water Barrel" as shown in the picture.

Simply double click the pitcher then the water barrel, (Putting the water back into the pitcher) now the Barrel is Empty and yours!

For some reason turning it into a water barrel, them emptying it releases the "locked" down status.

Barrel Unfinished:500-2500 gold
These can be found in Dungeons, and fished up. However it can also be manufactured now and their is no difference from the dungeon ones and the manufactured barrels only the ones "Fished up" are rare.

Beaker:750k gold
Beakers and Flasks spawn in Hythloth Dungeon, the best estimate is that they spawn every two or three months as they are VERY RARE on most shards. Occasionally in the past there would be a several beakers and flasks to hit the rares market all at once. The general Opinion is that someone discovered an Exploit and went around helping themselves. The item is still Quite rare and would defiantly make a fantastic addition to anyone's collection. Exercise caution when purchasing these, I know of at least one person who received a permanent negative mark on his account for buying "duped" rares. That is not exactly the same as obtaining rares through outrageous bugs, however if some new Bug or Exploit is sweeping UO like a firestorm, don't be a part of it. If you suspect that an item was obtained through dubious means, pass it up.

Beaker: 750k gold
Beakers and Flasks spawn in Hythloth Dungeon, the best estimate is that they spawn every two or three months as they are VERY RARE on most shards.

Beaker: 750k gold
Beakers and Flasks spawn in Hythloth Dungeon, the best estimate is that they spawn every two or three months as they are VERY RARE on most shards.

Beard Dye:
This was issued as a Prize from OSI, (And it will probably be issued as a Prize in the future) it allows someone to Dye their beard a Neon Color. It is not "Hair Dye" Hair Dye will not dye in neon colors and is available for 44 gold in most Provisioners shops. Beard dye is Currently going for 25k-100k Depending on the shard. (And how bad the Buyer wants it)

Expect this item to get more expensive until the company comes out with something else to use is a Prize for.

Bear Mask: 500-1000 gold
Why do these remind me of the College Drinking hats? The ones that Hold two cans of beer and has the "Snorkel straw" that comes down to the face?

Actually the reason that reminds me of such, is because on Baja (The shard I learned to play UO on) It was mainly KeWl DuEd Rude DaWgS Dig wearing "Dat Phat Head Gear" that would sport the bear masks and no other cloths. Something about Kewl dueds.... *shakes head * I was that way once myself, then I turned 13.

However, in my UO career as a shard to shard Banker, and Merchant I have found that on many shards the masks are used by role players, or normal people and the value of the Masks varies greatly from each shard.

On Atlantic, you might pay in the 500 to 1000 range, on Baja (of all places lol) your probably going to pay over 1000 for them.

As with all loot though, if you routinely check bags at the bank you might even find one for free, I found 6,000 Gold in a pack on the bank floor once too Never know what you will come up with.

These spawn on monsters, you have a small chance getting one from the surface spawn monsters (Orcs, ratmen, trolls, ettons, etc) but you will have better luck trying the dungeon monsters)

You can also find them spawning in chests at Bucks den.(Only the ones found on monsters are Magical)

Bear Rug: 500-1000 gold
A Bear Mask but set on the floor for people to wipe their feet off and walk on. :)

Belt pouch:750k gold
These were created with a Bug right when Trammel opened. The Bug has since been fixed.

Big fish

5k-10k gold

The Big fish is one of the new rares, and falls right into line with the New generation of rares being developed by OSI, rather than an Item that spawns in a location, something has to be done (fishing for this) to get one.

Supposedly they can be fished up at 65 Skill level, I can tell you from several hours of experience that it would be hard to fish one up anytime soon at that skill level.

At 91 Fishing skill on Baja, I Finally got one (I went from 82 fishing to 91 in the process). All included I would say it took 6 Hours.

On Test center, my sweetheart and I were able to get 4 in just under an Hour, On test center you can turn your skills up to GM in an instant, and we were fishing on a boat at the GM level for them. I actually got one, and she got 3 in that Hour.... lol Two were caught while parked, another while trolling, and the last she caught while I was fishing up an MIB (message in bottle).

Having a High skill level in fishing definitely appears to help.

They weight 100 Stones each and come out of the water with a Nice blue almost Marlin or tuna fish color. When they were first being pulled up several were ruined because the fisherman would unknowingly or accidentally stack them together, however it appears that they are no longer stackable (Hence no longer ruin-able in this manner).

The sea serpent we picked up a few minutes earlier. The Big fish is what's right at my feet, and what caused the Pole to Bend.

Our first big fish ever :)

100 Stones! (they all weigh that)

These are cool on their own, but even cooler when used with a Taxidermy Kit that you can Buy for 80k from an NPC tanner. In order to use the kit you need to be a Master carpenter 90+ skill. In fact the tanner wont sell it to you unless your 90+ skill in carpentry.

Also, there is really only one type of Big fish you pull up, what color the trophy is depends on the facing of the wall it's mounted on. You can take the green fish down, and remount it on the opposite facing wall and it will be a Blue one, and Vice-versa.

Black dye tub: 100k-250k gold
This is a Highly sought after item, but again it has to do with Demand and the shard its on to accurately Price it. It does not spawn. Older shards seem to have a Lot more of them. Officially it was created as a prize in Christmas of 98, however there was also a Bug which allowed people to "create" a black dye tub from a normal one.

There are a LOT of black dye tub scams. I learned about the first one the hard way on Europa one afternoon. Some lamer (who was Surprise Surprise running around Naked) was offering to sell a true black dye tub for 10k. I knew it had to be a scam, lol but I decided to check it out anyway.

I told him I would buy it, and he placed a Back pack in the trade window, I'm thinking.... Ok there is nothing in the pack, he then Opened the pack, and there was a Dye tub with a Jet-black center! :) Thinking what a swell deal I had made I immediately dragged 10k Gold from by bank box and into the trade window, the moment I hit the diamond in the trade window to close it, he "Kal-Ort-Por"ed himself off. Didn't say good bye or anything.

I opened up the pack to make sure it was there, and it was.... Along with an article of clothing died "true black" and placed over the NORMAL dye tub creating the illusion of a true black dye tub.

There was more than a Little that I had done wrong on that deal, the first was the price. 10k is just to low, way to low for a True black Dye tub anything that seems too good to be true (unless you Killed the other guy for it ) is! The second was not clicking on the tub itself in the trade window, this does not always have to be done, but if something seems fishy Take your time! Check things out. If the other party is NOW NOW NOW, then you know they are scamming, and tell them no thank you. The third thing was I should have been Much more suspicious because he was walking around Naked. As a hint, naked dudes walking around banks, spamming out things for sale are generally people you want to avoid. I know this does not apply to every naked person in UO, but for many of them it does.

Blackmoor: 500-2500 gold
This is a Planned Necromancy Reagent. (there are other Reagents that are mentioned with Necromancy, but to the best of my knowledge there is no Official word on if they will be Used in Necromancy or not. The rest of the "necro"regs should be treated as rares for appearance only. (Just like any other rares)

Blank Map:
This is a decoded treasure map.

Blood smear: 500k gold (No Pic available) This is found as loot on Evil Npc mages. Colored sandals are also found as loot on Evil NPC mages, but not all Mages in every Location. If/When I get more info on the "Blood smear" I will post it.

Bloody Bandage:750k-1 million gold
When the game was new, Used bandages would save in your pack. (How is that for appetizing?) These are probably leftovers from way back when, look to the trading boards to get them.

Blood Vial: 500-2500 gold
These are found as loot on Blood elementals. If your ego isn't unmanageably large there is a Super Easy way to get them in Mass Quantity Just pull them out of the corpses of dead blood eles once the corps goes gray. :) Many people who kill Blood eles leave them behind.

But if your "Machismo" wont let you scavenge dungeon scraps for these rares, this is one way of killing a Blood ele:

You see a Blood elemental is one Tough Monster, I don't think, (I will admit it in advance, I'm probably going to be wrong about this) that a melee fighter can kill one, at least -I- don't think its possible for a Non mage to Kill one. They hit for about a Million Points of damage, Katanas and spears just seem to make it mad.

They throw spells to, but if you can get off a few heal spells on yourself you can survive their magical attack easy enough.

Here is the trick. Find one; get him to attack by shooting it with a bow, or casting a spell on it. THEN RUN. Let em keep hitting you with spells, make sure you heal a few times so his damage spells don't kill you, but when he starts throwing weaker spells that means its is out of Mana.

Just cast a Blade spirit next to it, Paralyze, or paralyze field it first to give you time to get the Blade spirit off. Then hide or run in -WIDE- circles around the blade spirit. Blade spirits are attracted to Movement, whatever is moving and close to them is what will be attacked.. So make sure your Running in a WIDE circle and keeping the Blood elemental between you and the Blade spirit.

You have to run them out of mana or else he will just dispel your Blade spirit. Sometimes it takes more than one blade spirit.

I'm sure there are Many other ways to take this monster out, this is just one that I have seen done effectively on numerous occasions.

Now if you're not the adventurous Type, just go to the level 3 of shame, and pick them up off the carcasses of dead blood eles. A lot of people don't keep the blood vials after they kill the blood eles.

This varies from shard to shard, on Europa you might not find a lot of blood vials, but on Pacific you will find a ton. Feluca seems to be more productive than trammel too. (On Trammel, people will pick up anything and everything).

Bloody Water Bowl:
750k-1.5 million gold
This Item does exist, it rarely spawns but when it does, its in the healers Building east of the desert. (Old lands, not the T2a Desert) there is a rumor that is can be found in bucs den as well, since bucs den is an Excellent source for rares this may be true. Try the healers, and the Npc houses in Bucs den.

Blue Shield: 750k
Server start rare. When I find more info I will post it.

Body Parts: 500-1000 gold
Legs, Arms, Torsos, heads. These can all be found from Shipwrecks. They also spawn as loot on Giant serpents, and Zombies. I fed a pair of legs to my Dragon on siege too. Ewwww! :) Also (and listed separately) "a heart" "a Liver" and Entrails can also be found on Zombies.

Bola Balls 500 gold each
found as loot on Orc Bombers, and all male savage warriors. (if your putting together a bola arsenal, try the heavy savage spawn in the swamp west of Destard dungeon).

Bolas 2k-5k working bola
To make a bola, you need 4 bola balls (bola balls are found as loot on orc bombers, or male savages) and 3 pieces of cut leather. The minimum tinkering skill is 61.1. When you fail, you will loose some leather but not one of the balls. At the minimum of 61.1 tinkering you will loose around 50 leather for every successful Bola.

Bolas can be used to knock people or npcs (Savage Ridgeback riders) from their mounts. However you only have a small chance of success. If your doing it for PvP and trying to knock a player of his mount bring a LOT of bolas, and be prepared for some disappointments and hard knocks. Unless there is going to be a change in one of the next patches (and their might be) it will be extremely difficult to knock someone from their mount.

I was unable to successfully separate a player from their mount one (long) afternoon on test center, but I received a complimentary can of whoopass for my efforts. Remember the golden rule, it is better to give than receive this especially applies to whoopass and I was definitely on the receiving end of this one.

If your trying to use bolas to knock ridgeback riders off their mounts to tame them, I would suggest teaming up so there is a bard and a tamer in your group. Provoke the male savages onto the ridgeback riders; you have about a 1 in 4 chance of the male savage knocking the ridgeback rider from its steed. Side note the minimum taming requirement for a savage ridgeback is 78.3

Important, once a ridgeback is tame, you need to jump on it and recall to an Inn and Log out. If your in the game on the same server (and possibly on a different server) when the savage rider dies the mount will most likely disappear with him. Hopefully that is something that will be changed with one of the upcoming patches, but its if it isn't you can still keep your mount if you insta-log long enough for the rider to be killed or re-spawn.

500-2500 gold This is found as loot on Bone-Magi as well as Skeletal Magi. Deceit, and the Graveyard in T2a (Just south of the Orc fort above Deluca).

Bone Containers:
1000-5000 gold
There are several different varieties of these. They look like a corps that has gone to bones, however they can be used as a container. If you find a skeleton inside a crate or barrel in a dungeon, odds are you have found a bone container if it weights exactly 50 stones and you can carry it :) you found one!

In addition to Dungeons there is also a Good spawn (but with a lot of competition from other rares hunters) at the Briton graveyard inside a wooden Box.

Bone Parts:500-2500 gold
Not at all like containers as you cant store anything in them. Most of these are fished up from shipwrecks, however there are a few in dungeons that do not have the "Recovered from a shipwreck" tag. In this case the ones that do not have the "Recovered from a shipwreck" on them are a bit more rare.

The Price has to do entirely with who your talking to though, some people will pay more just because something is "Recovered from a shipwreck: and a few people think that shipwreck items are lame.... lol

Bottles 500k-1 million gold


Bottles (wine) 4 Bottles:
Guard tower east of the Britain Desert (Old lands, not T2a)

Bottles 3 (Variety A):
Provisioners Shop in Serpents hold

Bottles 3 (Variety B):
Provisioners Shop in Serpents hold

Bottles (Liquor) 2 :
Guard tower east of the Britain Desert (Old lands, not T2a)

Bows (Slanting to the Left) : 500-2500 gold
Bows that are Made, or purchased from an NPC slant to the right. The ones that slant to the left can only be found as loot on monsters, or stolen out of chests. If you hunt for whips in the Skara Brea ranger huts (located on the mainland side of Skara, see "Whips" for more info) you will find more than enough Bows that slant to the left.

Bowl Dirty:750k gold
Confirmed it Exists, Still working on where.

Brain, " a brain" :500-1000 gold
Loot on Zombies.

Broken Chair (Upright): 1 million gold Server Birth rare, No Picture available.

Broken Chair: 1 million gold
The only confirmed spawn sites are the first level of Hythloth it will only spawn once or twice a year, and the Hidden valley tower west of Trinsic (Same building as tarot cards). There is also supposed to be one that spawns in one of the (2) evil mage towers in Shame Level 3.

Broken Chair Covered: 1.5-2 million gold Not confirmed, but other rare hunters seem to agree that one Exits. Probably a server birth item, be ready to pay through the nose for it!

Broken Clock "Recovered from a shipwreck": 2500-5000 gold(No Picture available) Fished up from a shipwreck.

Brush: 500k gold
This was Probably taken from the Minoc, or Trinsic stables with a Bug. It does not seem to exist on all shards. It is supposed to spawn at the Minoc stables every month or so, but I have yet to confirm the spawn.