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Ranger Armor: 100k Gold(DONT BUY NORMAL DYED LEATHER, Check to make sure the shade matches this picture!!!)
For a long time, a single Piece of Ranger armor (Green leather Armor as shown above) could be obtained through the newbie ticket system. That has since been discontinued, and ranger armor is becoming more valuable all the time.

Not recommended for Use in combat, although it is real leather armor and offers Protection, the Value is a Bit high to go monster bashing in it. Unless your Vain as all heavens and really want to show off your wealth. (Roger! :) )

Red Chest:500 to 3k Gold There is no picture available, but the item is a Normal metal chest of a red color, there are Probably other chests of different colors floating around. I don't believe this item spawned; rather it seems more likely that it was taken from an NPC shop with a Bug.

Rock (A rock):
300-500k Gold
One a day right at server up in T2a J UOA: x5513, y3121 Sextant 0o 47'S x 290 44'W (East of Terrathan Keep). BE CAREFUL OF AVENGERS! Here is a hint.. they hit you and this giant chunk disappears from your health bar, and when that chunk doesn't stop falling off your health bar, its because they Deadly Poisoned you. So if you're trying to be there for this rare, be careful and don't have anything of serious value on you (Rune book, other rares etc).

Rocks Large: 500k Gold

Bucs Den UOAM x2686 y 2059. Sextant 38o13s 95050e. Note. On at least one shard some GM or programmer got their panties in a bunch and blocked the spawn on the Felucca side. I have an idea who it was too Ill be sure and give them a wedgie at the next UO player/staff luncheons!

Rolling Pins: 2500-10,000 Gold
Found in Bakeries, all bakeries will spawn them Occlo seems to be the most popular but my personal fave is the Bakery in Vesper (No competitors, and only one Npc to try and catch me stealing it from the Strong Box)

Rope: (about monthly) 100k-250k gold
Spawns Monthly on the Docks at Magencia. However for a while a person could sail their boat underneath almost any dock that had a pile of rope on it, to unlock the rope. That has since been patched and the Price of rope is climbing steadily back up.

The monthly spawn of rope on the docks still happens, but the vast majority of rope on the market today is Kraken loot (see daily spawns)

Both the Monthly and the Kracken loot spawn are sources for Rope

Rope (Kracken loot)
This was originally one of the old monthly spawns on the Magencia docks, (and also possibly Jhelom, and Skara). Then for a while if someone sailed their boat under the dock with the pile of rope on it, it would unlock it, so there was a Lot of rope on the market. The code was patched after a few months and it went back to a monthly spawn, however since so much rope hit the market the price dropped considerably, and considering how lucky someone has to be to find it on the docks these days the payoff wasn't as much (most "about monthly" spawns sell for 500k to the millions). It still spawns on the docks every few months, however there is a new twist in for Rope in the Rares market.

It is currently found as occasional loot on Krackens. About 1 in 65 krackens will be carrying some. Also not many rares hunters myself included realized that there are two versions of Rope, one with the end pointing west, and the other pointing east. There seems to be a 50/50 chance of which kind it will be as loot on any Kracken carrying rope.

There are two popular ways of finding and killing Krackens. the first is to go to shame dungeon they are in the water on levels 2 and 3, but no worries they are more than happy to crawl from the water onto dry land if they get to beat someone to a bloody pulp in the process :) (They are one of the few things in UO that can move freely from water to land) Their breath weapon is comparable to a dragons, but what makes them really hard is their melee attack, Boom Boom Boom and your dead. If you are an experienced melee fighter and you are good at Running healing and not letting your hit points get low then you might consider it.

The second (and much more popular way) of finding and killing krackens is with the special fishing nets (see the description in the F-I section). You wont see as many Krakens this way as you would in the dungeons, and the nets are costly, on the plus side you don't need any fishing skill to use the nets, but the most important reason to use a net is you can stand behind the rail of your boat and not have to "melee" the thing. If you only have to deal with its breath weapon you can kill it with spells or archery and heal as it shoots you. Its MUCH safer than the dungeon method.

Savage Masks1000-5000 gold

These are found as loot on Savage male and female warriors, you can see if a particular savage has a mask, and what color it will be simply because they are wearing it. There are 29 Shades available, some shades appear to be more difficult to find than others, I'm still hunting for all 29 shades, so far dark blue seems to be the most common.

Savage Kin Paint Working paint goes for 2000-5000
These are made with the Tribal Berry. It requires a cooking skill of 80.1 cooking to make, and some flour (available at any npc bakers) there is no loss of materials for "botched attempts" its either a pass /fail depending on if you have the minimum cooking skill.

Scroll "a scroll": 50k Gold These are now considered rare, it's a scroll that says "a scroll" they are rare now because they no longer spawn as loot on monsters (actually they will still spawn once in a great while).

Back when they did spawn though, they were an annoyance! And available by the Pack loads in the Paupa and Delucca Bank floors.

Some of them could be used to cast a random spell, but they could not be sold to magic shops or placed in spell books. Although some of them could be used to cast a spell, a lot of them couldn't be used at all.

Shafts: Shafts:
2500-10k Gold Can be found in -Tinker shops- most rares hunters look for these in archery shops, although its possible some might spawn in an archery shop, I have never found a set there. Tinker shops however. :)

Shackles: 1 million
Occasional spawn, Yew prison.

Sheet Music: 1 million Gold

Shells: 1000-5000 Gold
(There are Several Other Varieties of Sea Shells) <--Taken as a snap shot from a castle on Napa.

As far as I know these can only be obtained as loot from shipwrecks, there are Several Different types.

Silver Necklace:
Found in the jewelry shop next to the Paupa Bank Very rare spawn, possibly server Birth

There was for a long time a rumor that these spawned inside the Paupa bank, I think the close proximity of the Jewelry shop is what led rares hunters astray. If your searching for these Look NEXT door in the cases near where I am standing but don't get your hopes up, I haven't heard of anything being found for a long time, and it very well could have been only a server birth item.

Silver Ring: 750k-1 million Gold
Found in the jewelry shop next to the Paupa Bank Very rare spawn, possibly server Birth.

There was for a long time a rumor that these spawned inside the Paupa bank, I think the close proximity of the Jewelry shop is what led rares hunters astray. If your searing for these Look NEXT door in the cases near where I am standing but don't get your hopes up, I haven't heard of anything being found for a long time, and it very well could have been only a server birth item.

Silverware set (attached): 300k-750k
Nujelm Palace, monthly spawn.

Skull candle:500k Gold
Found as loot on Evil Npc Mages.

Skull Mug:500k Gold
The item Exists, may have been a server Birth rare, but most were Probably obtained using a Bug in one of the serpents hold taverns.

Small Fish:100-500 Gold
Found in barrels on most docks, can also now be purchased from NPC fishermen. Not really rare anymore, but with all the people making "Fish tanks" their have been a lot of Questions about them

Snow "Pile of":100-300k Gold
Christmas Present from OSI :)

Spittoon: 750k-1 million Gold Probably taken with a Bug from one of the taverns in Serpents hold, I'm not certain that this exists on all shards.

Square Tool Kit: 2500-10k Gold
Look in the crates and chests in Tinker shops.

Statue two story: 10 million+ Gold

Server start rare. I honestly have not heard of these on all shards, so I don't know if it was a fluke that only happened on Lake Superior. Its supposed to speak when someone gets close to it.

Other large statues have spawned do to bugs related with the coming of trammel. No Trick, just walk up and take em :) That has been fixed though.

Statue (Magic) 1 million Gold:
(small) There are 3 sources of small -magic- statues (not Pixie loot statues). The first is the Third level of Deceit, once ever few months. The second is on elementals its Very rare on elementals and you could go your whole UO Career fighting them and never find one, but every now and then one spawns on an Elemental. And The third is from a Bug that allowed people to grab statues from around Britons dungeons. (Since Fixed.)

A little further information on the statue elemental spawn, it does not seem to be like Efreets where you have a 1/100 Chance of finding Daemon Bone armor, rather the Elemental-Statue spawn I think is every so many months an Elemental will spawn that has one on it as loot. It seems to be a time triggered spawn and not a random one.

Statues!! 45k-75k gold The statue market has been upside down these last several months for multiple reasons.

The first thing that sent it spinning was "the crate bug" basically someone could put a certain kind of container in certain buildings and have a chance of statues (among other things) spawning.

It was a Bug, osi said heads up, then banned several people for using it. They did however say that it was ok to Own the items, (as a TON of them were sold before anyone figured out what was going on). The Bug statues come only in containers, and the container needs to be destroyed on the spot someone wants to place the statue.

Again its legal to own the statues, however many people were banned for using the Bug to obtain the statues (One of the reasons I don't carry Bugs in the guide).

Now the second thing, and much cooler one is that statues spawn as occasional loot on Pixies in UO3d (as soon as I get a Video card that I will have Pics for you). I understand that its about 1 in 100 pixies that will be carrying a statue as loot.

The statues that are found as loot on Pixies are moveable, as well as Legal to obtain.

The difference between Pixie Statues and Bug statues, are that the pixie ones can be picked up and moved around, as opposed to the bug ones that are stuck there.

There are at least 6 types of statues spawning as pixie loot, here are some snap shots I grabbed while on one of my evening rides:

Even tho the price of Pixie loot statues is currently in the 45-75k range, the occasional monthly spawning statue in Deceit and the one that spawned as loot on a water elemental are still in the Million+ range because when you click on them it says "magic statue" and not just "statue" which is works out very Nicely for the implementation of this rare into the market.

Statue monster:500k-2 million gold depending on the statue

These were given out as prizes during the clean up Britannia program. Their value varies greatly, but even the lowliest statue will go for well over 100k. The dragon and the Lich have gone for over 2 million on deals I know of, and the earth ele recently went for $50 on Ebay.

In addition to looking hecka cool they also turn on and off, that is in reference to the noise. If your ever in an area with houses but no monsters spawn and you all the sudden hear a monster that is CLOSE!... Its Probably just a monster statue that is has been left on.

Swamp Tile: 750k Gold Some terrain tiles could be picked up and carted off :)

Tarot Cards:
Circular version is worth more, both sell in the ballpark of 500k to 750k
Some people say Mage shops, I'm not certain about those, there is however a place that is much more likely. Its called Hidden valley, its in the small oval mountain range west of Trinsic between the mountains and the forest. The entrance is hidden behind a waterfall, and there is a Secret teleporter (hit a alt-r and you can see the teleporter on your mini map, even though its hidden from view on your normal vision) The teleporter takes you to the 1 room basement of that small mage tower inside hidden valley. Its in the basement that tarot cards will spawn once a month or so.

Tambourine with Ribbon: 5k gold (Its also now craftable with Tinkering)
Nujelm Bardic Guild.

Tent deeds (blue, green): 750k to 1.5 million Gold A long time ago players could purchase a tent, it was smaller and cheaper (and easier to place) than a house. Vendors could be run out of tents, and although they didn't offer much protection from PKs or Monsters they did have 1 secure container, and was better than nothing.

The only Problem was the sheer volume of them, Urban sprawl had taken over Britannia, and after Much debate, and with a sense of regret the tent owners were given notice that all the tents would be deleted.

Tent deeds can no longer be purchased, but they are on Display in people houses as a rare. Its kind of a cool rare, as most of the owners actually played the game back when you could buy tent deeds.

Tray(2 kinds):750k-1 million Gold

Covetous Level three once every 3 Months.

Treasure Pile:750k-1 million Gold
Probably a quest Item. Reportedly weights 255 Stones.

Tree Ornament: Sorry no Pic available . 5k-10k Gold

Around the Holidays every year tinkers can make these.

Tribal Berry 1000-2000 Gold
Found as loot on about 1 in 4 of the female savages.

Tribal Mask:1000 Gold
These can slant either way, a lot of people don't know that.

Tribal Mask: 1000 Gold
Magic and non magic, slanting to the left and slanting to the right. Best Part is when you Put it on you Look like Darth-Mall WHooHaa!!!


150k-200k Gold

These were designed as a gold sink. There is a debate about whether or not there should be craftable rares. I don't really think my opinion matters on where I stand in that debate, but I will say hats off to the Dev team, these are Awesome :)

They can be made from any of the following:
Big fish
Great Heart
Brown Bear
Polar Bear

All it takes Is a Taxidermy kit, the corps of the trophy (must be done at the place the animal or monsters was taken with the exception of the big fish), 90+ points of Carpentry Sill and 10 Boards in your pack.

Got to a Leather Shop (tanner) to buy one.

You have to be a Master carpenter Use (or even buy the kit).

Simply double click the Kit then the corps and you will have a deed for your Trophy.

When placing the Trophy at your house you can put against any wall, and if you don't like it, you can click it to get a deed back and then try it somewhere else.

The Big fish Trophy is also available in 2 colors depending on the facing of the wall that you mount the trophy. Neat-O :)

Vase-large: 750k-1.5 million Gold

Briton Graveyard. More than one will spawn on a server, but the rumor is that after so many (5 or 10) a new one will spawn in the Briton graveyard, BUT only after one of the old ones decays. So... 5 or 10 Per shard :)

Vase-Small:750k-1.5 million gold

Briton Graveyard. More than one will spawn on a server, but the rumor is that after so many (5 or 10) a new one will spawn in the Briton graveyard, BUT only after one of the old ones decays.. So 5 or 10 Per shard

Vial Empty:750k-1.5 million Gold
Server Birth Item. Rumor is Deceit Level 2.

Vials Empty:500k-750k Gold
Serpents hold provisioners once every 3 months

Vials Full:500k- 750k Gold
This is one of my favorite rares. It spawns in the Hythloth laboratory once every 3 months at server up.

Watch:100k-200k gold

Issued as a prize from OSI. When clicked on it tells you the time in Britannia. Can be used to navigate the Moongates a bit better. (It's still easier to go in and out of the Moongates than to sit there and do an Einstein equation.) But the watch does Look neat :)

Wash Basin: 1 million gold
Server birth Item, Skara Brea Ranger Huts.

Wheat sheaf: 500-1000 Gold

These can be found in the fields that run along the mountains west of Briton, (The fields they spawn in are in the Guard zone) Also spawn in Deluca across from the stables.

When you find some wheat that is ready to be harvested, simply double click to pick it. Then put it into your pack. Its a cinch.

Whip: 1000-10,000 gold

Spawns inside the barrels and chests in the ranger huts on Skara Brae mainland.

Whispering Rose:100k-200k gold
This was a valentines day present from OSI

Wig1 million-1.5 million gold

I always thought the wig was a server birth Item 2 per shard (1 from felucca when it was only Feluca and one from Trammel when Trammel was born), and I'm still not sure where it comes from, but there are currently at least 4 on several shards.

My friend Donavan (who doesn't seem to shun the spotlight! *grins* ) on Napa was kind enough to bring the wig issue to my attention a few months ago. After seeing his wig in person (and some other pieces of his Nice rares collection) he told me that he was not the only person that had a wig on Napa, and after doing some research on it, I was able to find 4 or more wigs on each shard. It could have been a server birth item but spawning in more than one place, or it could just be one of those Incredibly LOW spawning items. Donavan got his through a trade, and I have heard different stories on where most of the "Trammel" ones came from. It cant be worn, but isn't it an awesome rare!?

If anyone has more info on them Please let me know! :)

Water tile 750k gold Some tiles could be Picked up and carried off.

Waterfall Tile :750k gold
Some tiles could be Picked up and carried off.

Wooden Bowl: 8 gold
This is the same as the "wooden bowl large" but with a smaller food item such as Corn.

Wooden Bowl Large: 8 gold
Not really rare, but still looks nice in houses (and is often sold on rares vendors) Buy a bowl of Stew in any of the restaurants, eat the stew and your left with the Bowl. Nothing to it.

Wood curls:750k Gold
There is a bit of debate on this one. There is defiantly one that starts at Server Birth, however a few rares hunters have found a place that it will spawn. I will post more when it is available.

Zombie Statue: 3-4 million gold
Only 100 are available of these in al of UO. They were given out as Prizes to people who participated in the Catskills house placement server test.